
Karmana currently uses one artifact, the India shapefile found in

To update this, you can make a new release of india-maps, update Karmana.__init__ with the file path, and use ArtifactUtils.jl's add_artifact! function to add it to the repo, under the name india_shapefile.

Other artifacts should be handled similarly (i.e, a gitrepo from which we download release tarballs).

Updating the india_shapefile artifact

As easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Remove the india_shapefile entry from Karmana.jl's Artifacts.toml (literally, delete that text.)
  2. Run add_artifact!(joinpath("$(dirname(pathof(Karmana)))", "Artifacts.toml"), "india_shapefile", "") but replace the URL with the new URL for the release tarball.
  3. Push your changes to the Karmana.jl repo!