Annular rings with Rasters.jl

This tutorial is not meant to show a true usecase, rather to show what you can do with the annular_ring function and a couple other nice tools.

using Rasters, Dates
using Karmana # provides `annular_ring` and friends
using CairoMakie

Let's get some interesting data, you could put nightlights here as well.

Since we have to download the data on the CI server, I'll restrict this analysis to Delhi.

delhi_lonlat = Point2f(77.1025, 28.7041) # from Wikipedia
2-element Point{2, Float32} with indices SOneTo(2):

This should either be a 2D or 3D raster.

# nightlights_raster = view(Raster("/Users/anshul/Documents/Business/India/XKDR/code/maps/DATA/"; lazy = true), :, :, 1, :)

This is the MODIS 250m vegetation dataset, we're getting all of the measurements from the year 2022.

We have to do some processing here, since we want a true 3D raster, and not a 4D raster with a singleton 3rd dimension.

First, download the raster as a RasterSeries. This is basically a collection of rasters which is correctly hooked up with time indices, etc.

This line downloads the data in a 50x50km box around Delhi, for all readings in 2022.

modis_series = RasterSeries(MODIS{MOD13Q1}, :NDVI; lat = delhi_lonlat[2], lon = delhi_lonlat[1], km_ab = 50, km_lr = 50, date = (Date(2022,1,1), Date(2022,12,1)))

Let's see what one of these rasters looks like:


Oops, this is a 3D raster! We can fix that real quick:

modis_2d_series = RasterSeries(view.(modis_series, :, :, 1), dims(modis_series)...)

We can actually concatenate these into a single raster, which we'll do here:

modis_raster = cat(modis_2d_series..., dims = dims(modis_2d_series)[1])

We now have a proper 3D raster! Let's do a quick animation to see how it looks:

fig, ax, hm = heatmap(modis_raster[:, :, 1], colorrange = (0, Makie.PlotUtils.zscale(modis_raster)[end]), axis = (; aspect = DataAspect()))
cb = Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm; label = "Vegetation index")

We can interpolate the RasterSeries for a smoother animation:

using DataInterpolations: QuadraticInterpolation
modis_interpolated = QuadraticInterpolation(modis_2d_series, Dates.value.(collect(dims(modis_2d_series)[1])))
modis_interpolated(Dates.value(Date(2022, 5, 1)))

Let's make a video of this:

fig, ax, hm = heatmap(modis_interpolated(1.0), colorrange = (0, Makie.PlotUtils.zscale(modis_raster)[end]), axis = (; aspect = DataAspect()))
cb = Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm; label = "Vegetation index")
record(fig, "modis_vegetation_over_delhi.mp4", Date(2022, 1, 1):Day(1):Date(2022, 12, 31); framerate = 30) do date
    hm[3][] = Makie.convert_arguments(Makie.ContinuousSurface(), modis_interpolated(Dates.value(date)))[3]
    ax.title = string(date)

Now, for the annular ring!

We can easily get the vegetation data over Delhi for a ring between 4 and 15 km from the center:

vegetation_series = Karmana.annular_ring(modis_raster, delhi_lonlat..., 15000, 4000; pass_mask_size = true) do raster, mask_size
    # We can do some processing here, if we want to.
    # For now, we just take the mean of all points in the mask.
    sum(raster) / mask_size

You should check out the documentation for the annular_ring function!

Here, what happens is that each "slice" in time of modis_raster is multiplied by an annular-ring "mask" of the same dimensions.

That mask is 1 (true) on the pixels which the ring lies on, and 0 (false) elsewhere.

mask_size is simply the sum of this mask, which is the number of pixels within the mask. This is practically required for any meaningful data processing. If we naively took the mean, it would be lower than the mean of the cells within the mask, since all the cells outside the mask are zero, but still included in the mean.

This is what the timeseries looks like!

f, a, p = lines(
    Dates.value.(collect(dims(modis_2d_series)[1])) .- Dates.value(Date(2022, 1, 1)), # Makie doesn't support Date axes yet, this is the best we can do.
    axis = (
        title = "Vegetation over time in Delhi",
        ylabel = "Mean vegetation index",
        xlabel = "Month",
        xticks = (collect(Dates.value.((Date(1):Month(1):Date(2))[1:12])), Dates.monthname.(1:12)), # more hacks for a "month axis"
        xticklabelrotation = π/4,
    label = "2022"

For an encore, let's animate what the annular_ring function actually does to the raster:

fig, ax, hm = heatmap(modis_2d_series[1]; colorrange = (0, Makie.PlotUtils.zscale(modis_raster)[end]), axis = (; aspect = DataAspect()))
cb = Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm)
record(fig, "modis_annular_rings.mp4", Date(2022, 1, 1):Day(1):Date(2022, 12, 31); framerate = 30) do date
    ax.title[] = string(date)
    Karmana.annular_ring(modis_interpolated(Dates.value(date)), delhi_lonlat..., 15000, 4000; pass_mask_size = false) do raster
        # Here, we don't actually do any processing, just visualize the premultiplied raster!
        hm[3][] = Makie.convert_arguments(Makie.ContinuousSurface(), raster)[3]

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